Camping de Surnette


Vivez la Nature!

Legal Notice


The camping de Surnette is a municipal campsite. For this reason its website is published by the town council of Mazet-St-Voy.


Publication director : Mayor Alain DEBARD


The Web site is hosted by the company OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

The website (The Site)is the exclusive property of the town council of le Mazet-St-Voy.

The Site has been created by COM to ME.

Photo credits : Le Camping de Surnette, Pixabay

Any use of the Site is conditioned by the integral acceptance and respect by users of the following conditions These conditions may be modified or completed at any moment. The usuers of the Site are therefore invited to consult them regularly. In the normal course of events, they are permanently accessible by users. The Site is regularly updated by le Camping de Surnette. In the same way, this legal notice may be modified at any moment. In any event it regulates any use and the user is invited to refer to it as often as possible in order to take it into account.

The user undertakes to use information presented in the Site for personal and not commercial purposes. In the case of non-observance of the present legal conditions by the user, the latter may be liable to civil and/or criminal pursuit.


Description of the services provided

The object of the Site is to provide information concerning all the activities of the Camping de Surnette, with the aim that these should be as precise as possible. However it cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inexactitudes or failures in updating, whether these are caused by the Site or by third parties who transmit information to it.

All the information given on the Site is there on an indicative basis and may evolve. Furthermore the details which figure on the Site are not exhaustive. They may have changed since being posted.


Intellectual property and counterfeits

The Camping de Surnette is the owner of all rights concerning the intellectual property and the use of all the elements accesible on the Site, in particular, text, images videos, graphic elements, the logo, icons, sounds and software. All reproduction, representation, change, publication or adaptation of all or part of the elements of the Site, through whatever proceedure whatsoever is forbidden without formerly obtaining written permission from the Camping de Surnette. All unauthorised use of the site or any of the elements contained therein will be considered comme a counterfeit and pursued according to the dispositions of the articles L.335-2 and following of the Code de Propriété Intellectuelle.


Contractual limitations concerning the technical data

The Site may use JavaScript technology.
The Site can not be held responsable for any material damages linked to its use. Furthermeore, the site user commits themself to accessing the site using recent equipment which is not infected by a virus, and with an updated latest generation browser.


Limits to the responsability

The Camping de Surnette can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment, when accessing the Site, and resulting either from the use of equipment according to the specifications above, or from the appearance of a bug or other form of incompatibility.

The Camping de Surnette can equally not be held responsible for indirect damage (such as the loss of a sale or of an opportunity, for instance) following the use of the Site.

Hyperlinks : The Site contains a certain number of hyperlinks towards other sites whose content the Camping de Surnette is not able to verify, and therefore assumes no responsability for them.


Privacy Policy

The user may be required to give certain personal data when completing the forms which are proposed on the Site. This data is necessary for responding to the request of the user by the Camping de Surnette.

The Camping de Surnette commits itself to honor the dispositions of the law n°78-17 of the 6 January 1978 concerning computers, files and personal liberties and equally the Ruling (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parlement  and Council of the 27 April 2016 know as « RGPD » and to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of all personal information given.


Data collected

Contact forms : Collection of personal data :
– Name, First name, e-mail, phone number ;
– Any other information that you wish to bring to our attention.

Reservation forms : Collection of personal data :
– Name, first name, e-mail, telephonne, sort of accomodation, arrival date, departure date;
– Any other information that you wish to bring to our attention.

Content imported from other sites :

the pages of this site may include integrated content (for example, videos, pictures, articles…) Content integrated from other sites behaves in the same way it would if the user visited the site in question. These web sites may collect your data, use cookies, introduce tracking tools from third parties, and follow your interactions with these introduced contents if you have an account connected to their web site.

Cookies :

The Camping de Surnette also uses cookies to collect information relative to your connexion and your navigation. This data, once collected is used to improve the functioning and navigation on the web site (see below the chapter « cookies »)

The personal data collected on the Site are used only be the Camping de Surnette.


Entity responsable for the use and security of personal data

The camping de Surnette makes use of users’ personal data as the responsable entity.

The Camping de Surnette commits itself, as part of its obligations, to take all reasonable precautions and to put in place appropriate techical and organisational mesures to garantee an appropriate level of security and to protect users’ personal date from changes, destruction and unauthorised access.


Access to data

The personnel of the Camping de Surnette, who may have access to personal data have an obligation of confidentiality 

Our partners responsible for maintenance operations and techical development may also have access to your data : in this case users are informed that their personal data are covered by a protection identical to that required in Europe, inasmuch as these partners are obliged to conform to the RGPD concerning personal data of european citizens.

Finally, the police, judicial or administraive authorities may equally access your personal data in situations covered by the law.


Use of data

The Camping de Surnette collects and records your personal data in order to carry out the following operations, which are necessary to providing products or services

• Replying to requests from internet users

• The management of your rights over your personal data


Data conservation

The camping de Surnette is commited to preserving the collected personal data only for processing your request (contact form, reservation form)
The data linked to your browsing which are collected by cookies that you have authorised have a specific conservation time which may not exceed 13 months.


Users’rights concerning their personal data

In application of the articles 14 to 22 of the ruling 2016/679 of the 27 April 2016 any person using the service may exercise the following rights ;

  • The right to access
  • The right to correct
  • The right to object to, and to remove the e of this data
  • The right to object to being profiled
  • The right to limit the use

The right for this data to be transferrable.


The exercice of their rights

These rights may be exercised, concerning the Camping de Surnette in the following way :

  • By post, writing to us at the following address: Camping de Surnette, 7 chemin du Champ Premier – 43520 Mazet-St-Voy.
  • By e-mail by writing to :

Before replying to your request, the Camping de Surnette may verify your identity and/or ask you to give more information in order to reply to your request. The Camping de Surnette will do all in its power to respond to your request within a reasonable time and, in any case, within the limits fixed by the law.
If the reply is unsatisfactory, a complaint can be filed with the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL).



Browsing on the Site may lead to cookies being installed in the user’s computer.

A cookie is a small file which allows the user to be identified, and information relative to the browsing of a computer to be recorded.

The cookies listed below, conditioned by your choices and standard Internet technologies, give access to the following information.

  • Identification of the computer which you use (IP address of your computer, Android identifier, Apple identifier, etc)
  • The type of running system used by your terminal (Microsoft Windows, Apple Os, Linux, Unix, BeOS, etc,
  • The type and version of the browser used by your terminal (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, – Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.)
  • The dates and times of connexions to our services
  • The address of the original internet page
  • Data concerning the browsing among our services and the contents looked at.

The data thus obtained aim to aid subsequent browsing on the site, and equally are intended to allow different mesures of use (Google Analytics)
Refusing to permit the installation of a cookie may lead to the impossibility of accessing certain services. The user may, however, configure his computer to refuse the installation of cookies using the following links :

Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Safari / Opera / Internet Explorer / Edge

Google Analytics :

The Camping de Surnette uses Google Analytics to follow users on this Site, which uses cookies to collect data. In order to conform to the new reglementation, Google has included a modification of the use of data which users may consult on the following pages.


Applicable law and juridiction

All disputes concerning the use of the site are governed by french.